
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:28:59
I left my umberlla in my room.Could you wait() I go back to get it?为什么空里填while 不填if? 魏 蜀 吴三国的关系 I left my key in my room .Could you wait____i go bavk to get it?A.when B.ifC.whileD.befor 为什么用智能ABC时,没有出现选字栏,只有默认的一个字 智能ABC选字栏没有了``还有选择全角半角那⒈栏也没有了``很不方便``怎么才能找回来`` 把过程写在纸上.然后拍照,上传.200分! 最好写在纸上,拍照发过来. 最好写在纸上,拍照发过来. He said to me,“I have left my book in your room.”如何把这句转化为间接引语 He says,"I leave my book in your room"变间接引语怎么变? I heard a moise in my living room ,he said(将句子改成间接引语) 按要求修改下列句子I swam with Betty.(改为一般将来时)They are watching a football match.(改为一般将来时)David and Peter have given me some books.(改为一般将来时)We will have a meeting tomorrow morning.(改为否 按要求改变下列句子1.i have a baseball bat(改为否定句)2.my grandfather has A SPORTS COLLECTION.(对大写部分提问)3.he has an english book.(变为复数形式)4.there is a tall tree next to the house(变为一般疑问句 按要求修改以下句子:It´s twelve o´clock.(用what time提问)Kim is playing table tennis.(用what提问)I can see Billy.(用not改成否定句)Bob and Pam are playing football.(用they代替Bob and Pam) 按要求改下列句子 扩句:天气太热了,简直叫人受不住.把句子换个说法,句子意思不变不劳动,连棵花都养不活,这是真理.换法一:换法二:任你写一句话.用上一两个成语或歇后语 we must (be)quiet in the reading room. They promise _____(not talk)loudly in the reading room.They like___friendly to others.(be)They promise _____(not talk)loudly in the reading room.They like___friendly to others.(be) Alice is always friendly and helpful.is always friendly and helpful 甲,乙两地相聚性184千米,两辆汽车同时从两地相对开出.1.6小时相遇.甲车每小时54千米,乙车每小时行多少千米? must they dust the room?的否定回答是什么? Must they dust the room肯定回答 A,B两地相距475千米,甲乙两辆汽车分别从两地相向而行,经过5小时相遇.已知甲车每小时行40千米,乙车每小行多少千米? I left my umbrella in my room.Could you wait ---Igo back to get it?A before B while 甲乙两车从相距175千米的两地同时相对开出,甲车每小时行驶42又4/5千米,经过7/4小时两车相遇.问:乙车每小时行多少千米? 月亮和星星的距离有多远?” 星星离月亮有多远? 月亮和离它最近的那颗星星的距离是多少? 有本书有些到星星与月亮的距离,应该不是真实的距离,或许是句什么有韵味的话,请诸位帮助,谢谢 The manager,____it clear that he didn't agree with us,left the meeting room.A having madeB making选A为什么? 抗日战争中日本在华最高司令官是谁? The manager , having made it clear to us that he didn't agree with us , left the meeting room.那位大虾帮忙详细分析一下句子成分及翻译一下句意,先谢过了? 抗日战争时期日本鬼子占领的县城一般有多少兵力? The manager,making it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us,left the meeting room.如何翻译