
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 08:14:41
the other the other other和other的区别能很快回答得有悬赏,要回答得对有一个是others 关于几个other的区别?other,the other,the others,others的区别? 交流电路里面的复数乘除问题在交流电路里面的复数乘除为什么一定要先化成极坐标的形式后再计算,就不能直接乘除吗,算出来的结果不是都一样的啊 电路中 复数求模的问题这是一个电路的问题,我听说过只能把分式化成a+bi的形式才能求模,但这道题求模是分子的模除以分母的模,有这个结论吗? 是讲什么的? 将A teacher is on the playground.(some)改为复数形式 Last night it rained (heavy)in the southern part of the city. 请翻译make the most of inner city 英语翻译 写出下列名词的单数和复数形式bus = dress= story= watch= geese= babies= pencil-box= 英语填空题(写出下列名词的单数形式)geese( )deer( ) 写出下列名词的单数形式 houses____ oxen____ mice____ coke____ 小升初英语专题训练一、写出下列名词的单数或复数形式. bus ___________ sheep一、写出下列名词的单数或复数形式. bus ___________ sheep ___________ woman ___________ dress ___________story ___________ watch__________ 某市政府决定修建环城公园,其中有一段长600米的护城河重修工程,现在甲乙两个队都的施工,已知甲队单独完成此项工程比乙队单独完成多用二分之一的时间,乙队每天比甲队多修10m,该市政府 several days later means __?Aafter afew daysBbefore some daysCsome months laterDmany days late I like to eat at the reataurants.And I often took my children to _____ out. 升入初中的感想,400字左右 has he moved to his new house yet?为什么后面加yet yet是has he moved to his new house yet?为什么后面加yet -Has he moved to his new house yet? -No,not yet.为什么回答不是-No,he hsn't Mr.Robin and his daughter_in China._his son and his wife are in Canada.A or B and C but D too 12.1 He had a son and a daughter ,__ taught at the same school.He had a son and a daughter ,__ taught at the same schoolA.that B.both of whom C.neither of them D.both of them Her daughter refused ---- and his son pretended ---- asleep.Neither of them wanted to go with himA.to go ,to be B.going,to be C.going,being D.to go,being 这是Jay-Z的哪首歌曲的歌词啊?If you see me in a fight with a bear,pray for the bear.这是Jay-Z的哪首歌曲的歌词啊?同上 求 英语疑问词大全 说出中文 英语短语疑问词有哪些?标下中文比如how long?how long ago?Since when?等 lip是什么意思 山鸡能飞多远 lip pure的意思 野鸡为什么能飞而母鸡不能? 简单疑问词,速度求答案!_is your nationality? -I am chinese._bus shall we take? -No.15_is your grandma? -She is fine,thank you._ _are these pears? -$1.10 a kilo._ _is Lianhua Mountain in Shenzhen? -More than500 metres._ _do the buses “多方寻求答案,解决疑问”是什么词语 帮我回答问题 词语理由充分,说话有气势.( ) 像风一样跑得快,像电一样一闪而过.( ) 比喻违背事物的自然规律,急于求成,反而把事情弄糟.( ) (2)我们学过的成语大多是四个字的,你还