
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 08:50:46
1+3+5+……+1001= =1=1的平方 1+3=4=2的平方 1+3+5=9=3的平方……1+3+5+……+(2n+1)提示结果含有n 英语翻译 1+2+3.+1001的结果 焚书坑儒的主人公是谁 我的宝宝检查出地中海贫血 α-珠蛋白缺乏(-α3.7/α α) 参考值α α/α α请问大家这严重 我好担心 地贫基因分型 我和儿子都是地贫,检查结果为 β珠蛋白基因突变类型 654M/N 平时饮食要注意什么能打预苗吗?儿子现在一周岁 联想广告中“联想”两字有那两个含义? 等比数列中,公比P为整数,A4A7=-512,A3+A8=124,求A10? 1-6题,快 等比数列中,公比P为整数,A4A7=512,A3+A8=124,求A1? a地中海贫血会因为基因突变吗? 请问三岁小孩患了基因突变β型轻度地中海贫血会转为重型吗?如果会,是在什么样的情况下? -1-(-2)读作什么呀我说是负一减负二,同学都说是负一减去括号负二……还说我说的是错的…… doing our best to make you dress better -(-1/2)3读作什么?3代表立方 -2.1读作什么! 3-2=1读作什么 用say,tell,speak或talk的适当形式填空1.people who can not___can___by using signs2.I can___you what he often ____,but you will have to work out what he means3.Please ___something to the students 用say,tell,talk,speak填空1 Would you stop ___,please?I can't hear a word of what the teacher ___.2 At fiest,he could not ___French,and she didn't know a word of English.They had to __in Chinese.3 When his broter broke the news to him ,he __nothing 用speak,say,tell,talk填空This is what they ( ) yesterday.Don't () in class, please be quiet. 用speak,talk,tell,say填空1.Don't______to your mother like that.2.May I ______to Mr Green?3.I don't like the way you_________.4.Mr Wu wants me to give a ______in class tomorrow.5.My mother used to_______ me a story before I want to bed.6.Can you __ a^n读作( )或( ) ( )She likes to _____jokes.a talk b tell c say d speak 括号里应填什么?talk,tell ,say,speak这四个单词有什么不同?我总搞不清楚! n!=1*2*3.(n-2)*(n-1)*n,这个n!如何读?如题. speak tell talk say 哪个词可与jokes 连用 求解一道数学概率论题,有100台机器 ,其中10台为正常品,保证在运行过程中不会出现故障,另外的90台为非正常品,每次运行有0.1的概率发生故障.假设任意从这100台中抽取1台,运行n次均未发生故 1*2*3*``````*n=n!(读作n的阶乘),S=1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+``````+1/2010!,求S的 (a^m)^n读作 “打”,做动词时,《现代汉语词典》给出25个义项,在下列不同的语言环境中,你会“打”吗?即兴说些可笑的话进行逗乐叫做打 什么 根据字典的义项理解词语的意思深:①从表面到底或从外面到里面距离大;②久,时间长;③程度高的;④颜色重.洋:①比海更大的水域;②广大,多;③外国的;④现代化的.凌:①冰;②侵 74减2的平方除以70等于多少 speak to \talk to 怎么区别?