
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 12:45:43
1.Jack is a 13-year-old__(America)boy 2.What are those__(man)doing?3.My art teacher is very__(young)and beautiful.4.The boy is__(miss)his famliy now.5.Jessica likes to go__(swim)on Saturday cos5π/12=√6-√2/4是怎么算出来的 mark twain is c_____ to be one of the most important writers in america Why Mark Twain is a Mirror of America? 英语翻译Mark Twain was a famous American writer.He wrote many stories and many of them were funny stories.These stories are still read by many people all over the world.Besides writing,he also liked hunting and fishing very much,so one year he we 英语翻译全文翻译,翻译成中文 There is no new thing under the sun. There is nothing new under the sun.It has all been done before.There is nothing new under the sun.It has all been done before. there is nothing 还是there are nothing有区别吗 求一篇高中关于校园的作文 800以上 EXCEL函数计算值做为文本如1:A1\x05 B140\x05 7 函数判断此时为:(A1-B1)>0,其结果为“多33人”,如2:A1\x05 B120\x05 30 函数判断此时为:(A1-B1)<0,其结果为“差10人”,如3:A1\x05 B120\x05 20 函数判断此 用那个函数可以计算含有文本数据的数值的和值如图所示,我用统计总共是几个小时.要用那个函数可以求含有文本的和值,且计算结果也要含文本,如图中的求得的结果为“80小时”,公式尽量简 有关“大爱”的作文!(1)高中作文(2)关于大爱的(3)故事素材(4)名言警句(5)可以是一些段落(6)结果不是忧伤的对作文有帮助的~ 如下图,我要统计行中不同文本的个数(后面的数字是手工统计的),用什么函数能实现呢? 请帮我解答一下这道数学题,非常谢谢! 某时钟秒针A到中心点O的距离为5cm,秒针均匀的绕O点旋转,当时间t=0时,点A与钟面上标12的点重合.将A,B 两点间的距离d(cm)表示成t(s)的函数,则d= 期中t∈[0,60] 解三角方程:√3sinx+cosx=1 Christmas is ____ most important holiday in America .It is __ holiday most peop;e take part in A /;a B the ;a C a;the D the;the Halloween is an important festival in America.It comes in f__. 填空 thanks giving day is an important t_______festival in America. 99的99次方除以17的余数是多少? 一个长方形周长18厘米,长长与宽的比是5比4.长方形面积是什么? 1.25:1/8的最简整数比,1/2:1/4的比值 ..7.03516小数点后第59位上的数字是多少?注意:0和6的上面有循环节. 改错:We know good knowledge of science is very important for a student who wants to do scientific(连着上面的)research. _______ a good_______habit is very important for us.A.Keep,eaten B.Keeping,eating C.Keeping,ate D.To keep,eaten a good survey of a reading passage is very important什么意思! Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body是那篇文章中的句子 y=(3次根号x)/根号x的导数 2012*20132013-2013*20122012的简便算法 (1+3+5+······+2013)-(2+4+6+······+2012) 请问用简便算法怎么写?结果是等于1的. (2-1/65)*13 2012/2013乘2012用简便算法计算