
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/20 17:05:36
After _______ my homework ,I help my mother do some washing . 什么情况下句子里可以省略BE动词?我听一句电影台词里说的,说We fight.为什么不是we'are fight呢? 用be动词来补充下面的句子.大家会用be动词吗?帮我补充一下下面的句子!(1)Long long ago,there_______ an old king and a beautiful bird.(2)All the people ______ happy now..(3)Please______ quiet,children.(4)My legs_____ strong, 帮忙分析一下句子中be动词的形态吧Moreover,prevalent advertisements entice youngsters to pursuit luxurious lifestyle,which are not only unrealistic but also likely to lead teenagers astray.为什么这句话中which 后面要用are而不 牛津布鲁克斯大学怎么样 There are 20 desks in our ciassroom(划线提问 一般疑问句 肯定回答)20话线 there are twenty desks in the classroom对twenty desks 进行提问 There are many desks in our ciassroom 改为同义句 Kangkang often _____ Jane with her Chinese.Now she can speak Chinese very well.第三个字母是l. 我叫叶燕航-能帮我起个英文名吗?和名字同音最好男 我名字叫qiu shiguang想要有一个和这个同音的英文名?怎么起?叫什么. He bought a toy car for us.(划线提问,画的是us)______ ______ ______he _____the car. fine和time的i发音是否相同 quilt与nice的i的发音相同吗 牛津大学平均智商? 为什么有的句子要BE动词,有的不用?例:Listen!Mary is singing( sing) now.I play (play) sports three times a day DIRECTED BY ZACK . 为什么一部影片中会出现director和directed by它们都是导演的意思吗?还是有区别?还有就是为什么有的用by而有的不用, directed by squirrel什么意思RT Directed by A and starring B.这是一个什么句式?前面是Directed by(被动句),后面却变成starring?这是怎么一回事?还有可以解释一下starring这个词在句子中的意思么? 《梯子不用时请横着放》怎么立意才好? 梯子不用请横着放梯子不用,请横着放.莫非老师也当过泥瓦匠?我虽不才 也不是sb 这脑残题目是哪个250想地?皮鞋不穿 请放锅里 舌尖上的中国唯抵老酸奶的魅力!爱情不来 许是天意 白富美只爱 the violation of a country's borders 句子怎么翻译?为什么有of,起什么作用? 梯子不用时请横着放 the violation of a country's borders 句子为什么有of,起什么作用? the violation of a country's borders 句子为什么有of,起什么作用? 梯子不用时请横着放 是什么哲理? 作文:《梯子不用的时候横着放》的答案 梯子不用时请横着放作文的论点有哪些 Don’t worry about the heavy rain.Father ()(drive)us there 动词填空. Don't worry about the weather.此句中为什么要加about 与 文现 同音的英文名