
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/28 14:47:47
Do you like this()?No,i like()A,lion,tigers.B,lions,tigers.C,lion,tiger选哪一个 英语各种时态的结构,像是现在完成时,过去完成时那种 读后感 随便1个 在临床补液时为什么一般要输等渗溶液?(急,要交作业了) 补液为什么要用等渗溶液,求解释 临床上大量输液必须输入等渗溶液,为什么? 英语时态have done的问题1.这本书我读过三遍 是i've read the book for 3 times 还是ive read the book 3 times?2.我三次去那所房子 是i went to the house for 3 times 还是i went to the house 3 times 还是全不对?3.我等了他 That was an unforgettable morning premier zhou went to our school that morning.改成定语从句. fly away 的意思是?在梁静茹的歌[fly away ]听到.飞儿也有. 难忘的一天 THAT UNFORGETTABLE DAY怎么样 描写四季的整首古诗1-6年级的古诗不要! 王旦教诫子侄的译文.急求 英语翻译寇准数短旦~ 英语翻译"旦为相,宾满客,无敢以私情."和 "察可与言及素知名者"的翻译 名著读后感初一水平 英语翻译夫交友之美,在于得贤,不可不详.······ 速求600字读后感,随便哪本书. FLY Fly away Don't fly 随便一个历史名著,给我来一篇400字的读后感,《记住是读后感》 区别:These pencils are in many different colours.These pencils are of many different colours.in和of ,这两个句子有什么区别么?或者,哪个更好一点? Keep away from the junk food ;healthy diets should c of lots of grains and vegetables. fly away 这英文是什么中文意思? That's how they drive.这是表语从句吧? It was ------ that they all went swimming in the river.A.such a hot weather B.such hot weather C.so hot weather D.so hot a weather为什么选B,不选C呢,c错在哪里呢 in a certain neighborhood ,there were two brothers 8 and 10 years old,who were very naughty .whatever went wrong in the neihborhood,people would find that they had a hand in it 这两种英语字典哪种好 适合写观后感的文章或书籍~要浅显易懂有中心思想的那种~如《夏洛的网》《狐狸的窗户》(答得好有分……) 伴你高飞 FLY AWAY HOME怎么样 The weather was so cold that the street was almost e____. the weather { }so cold that we couldn~t go outA.WAS B.IS