
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 12:38:13
I don,t know.翻译成中文帮忙一下谢谢 课外阅读训练题!必须看清题目!清晨,我漫步在升腾着薄雾的小溪旁.雾气像一缕缕白纱,轻轻地、缓缓地在小溪上空萦绕.溪底,是一幅美丽、神气的画,色彩斑斓(lán):赤色、橙色、黄色、金色 Sally has Chinese,English,math and some ___ subjeSally has Chinese,English,math and some ___ subjects at school.She studies hard. I don't want anything more Than to see your face when you open the door 这句话究竟怎么翻译呢?这句话应该怎么断句呢?一般习惯性的读了 more than ,但是此处Than位于句首怎么理解呢?能不能给解释一下Than在句 Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of帮我翻译一下、谢谢了 分一些蚊子进来阅读答案 别复制  网上的我都看了  题目在下面1.从短文中找反义词  难受——(  ) 高兴——(  )2.联系上下文理解下面的词语高枕无忧: 《青铜葵花》课外阅读题(不要复制)判断蝗虫喜欢顺风飞( )青铜抓的鸭子是只野鸭( )蝗虫先将麦叶咬成锯齿形,然后咬成圆形( )……填空……选择……问答题……知道哪些 我要篇作文 看要求 在下面 不要复制!是写那个 什么什么小学生最喜欢的课外阅读那个什么报告请你围绕 小学生最喜欢的课外阅读物 做一次调查 写一份调查报 额 操 也就是 给我一个 这样的 请帮忙翻译一下:I will love you during a course of my life.如题 there were lots of trees here in the past.(改为同义句) there ___ ___ ___ a lot of trees here in the past. There were too few of them.这句话怎么翻译 _____ you do ,I am will have a holiday next week.A、As long as B、No matte how C、No matter what D、However How long will you rest for noon break 英语翻译急 will Jack spend with his grandparents?a:how farb:how long c:how soon d:how much I will teach you how to long jump next time(how to long jump划线,对划线部分题问)要不要加do “我无法呼吸”,用英语怎么说?实际上我能够呼吸,只是做一个比喻. I don't see you but I want ti hear you 求歌名~提供部分歌词when i hear a bird start to sing i want to see you里头是很sweet的唱腔,还有鸟儿声 I don't wanna hear you sayI don't wanna hear you sayYou both have grown in a different way god partterned them after himself 请问如何翻译(直译和意译) 《醉翁亭记》翻译,要尽量直译的,少意译的. 英语翻译he parked his car where he usually parked it when he got home and then he went inside. What will you ___ on your trip to Suzhou next week?A.carry B.get C.bring D.take take,will,tomorrow,ball,your,you{.} you,what,week,do,next,will{.} daming,younger,I,than,am,{.}连词成句 what will your sister do next 英语翻译When I need a friend,you are there right by my side,i wish we could stay forever as one.怎么翻译? when i need a friend He often helps me with my Englishジヰ(改为一般疑问句) “I wish we could stay as one”用汉语说是什么意思? Susan often helps Helen with her English 改为一般疑问句 -I promised to love you every moment of my life,my dear Ricky...怎么翻译才准确 SQL语言求助 表名student 共四列:No、Name、birth(四位数值型)、sex(1表示男、0表示女)例子:求大于25岁的男生年龄平均值 select avg(2012-birth) as tt from student where sex =‘1’ and 2012-birth>25求:1