
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/30 03:18:24
My friends often help me with_____(do) my homework I’m trying___the mountain. A.to climb B.climb C.climbing D.climabed 世界真奇妙 英文 I don't think you are right,反义疑问句 动物世界真奇妙英文如何拼写 \"I think you are right\"如何变一般疑问句 I think you are right.的反义疑问句i think you are right,aren't you?对吧. i dont believe you are right,后面的反意疑问句是什么 中学生英语口语竞赛一般问什么问题 无()无()补充词语,括号里填近义词 同义句改写:1.I often help my mother do the housework.I often help my mother__the housework.2.Tree同义句改写:1.I often help my mother do the housework.I often help my mother__the housework.2.Trees fight against air pollution.trees__ __ag why have not you accomplished your taskes yet?you______to finishi them last fri语法题 There is no time for breakfast .I want to take some biscuits为什么用for 而不是其他to 什么的原因 There is no time to have breakfast.写出同义句There ___ ____ time to have breakfast.横线上填上什么呀,为什么? Thee is no time___ breakfast.Ican take some bread ___me. There's no time for breakfast.(改为同义句)其实很简单,好好思考吧! 我眼里的世界真奇妙.把这个句子写具体 “不看不知道,世界真奇妙” 怎么翻译优美贴切?主要是想知道“真奇妙”这词怎么翻译最好? 一看吓一跳!今天无聊,玩了一场比赛,左手不断按着F4- -(可见我有多么无聊),结果发挥失常,搞了个第7= =那场比赛是2分30秒.我从一开始就按着F4截图.结果一看我的文档……59.6MB……然后打开一 世界真奇妙( ) 补充句子 请你在括号内填上恰当的字补充成语,然后有所填的字组成两句五言古诗(日)新月异 高瞻(远)瞩 白发(苍)苍 朝三(暮)四 (山)清水秀 (夜)不闭户 (风)调雨顺 视死如(归) 舍己为(人) (雪)中送炭 把所 I huan little milk .I want to buy some.意思1 Here is a book and a pen.2 Here is a book a pen and a pencil解释3 Here is sorne milk and .4 Here is an ereg解释 .--Excuse me.I want to buy some milk.Where can I find a supermarket?--Oh,I know _________ no请问这个该选什么?是A么?--Excuse me.I want to buy some milk.Where can I find a supermarket?--Oh,I know —— not far from my home. A 英语翻译他认为我们不对,还是他不认为我们因为只有在第一人称的时候才算否定转移,现在又不是第一人称,所以不知道怎么翻译了 I think you are right.(对you are right划线提问) th在英语中的发音规则请告诉我在英语发音中TH什么时候发清音什么时候发浊音? 我要查找“五言以上成语”. 补充下面五言以上成语比上?比下?宁为?不为?明枪?安检?工欲?必先? 补充下面的五言以上成语,你能发现前句和后句有什么特点?1,比上( ),比下( ).2,宁为( ),不为( ).3,明枪( ),暗箭( ).4,工欲( ),必先( ). 下面的成语里暗藏着一首五言绝句,请找出来.下面的成语里暗藏着一首五言绝句,请找出来(不白之冤 日新月异 依然如故 崇山峻岭 人尽其才 人老珠黄 口若悬河 量入为出 五湖四海 流芳百世 下面的成语里下面的成语里暗藏着一首五言绝句,请找出来.每个()一首(不白之冤 日新月异 依然如故 崇山峻岭 人尽其才 人老珠黄 口若悬河 量入为出 五湖四海 流芳百世 )( 摇摇欲坠 九年级英语首字母填空Have you written that letter?I will do so i_____,sir