
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/27 19:22:08
but it is not [] to have too much for dinner.A.scary B.red C.black D.good 《姥姥的剪纸》填空,知道的进来!“太平原拖着的小屯里,左邻右舍的窗子上,都贴着姥姥心灵手巧的劳作.”姥姥的剪纸这么受欢迎,一是因为_____________________________,二是因为________________________. They had walked only about 500 meters ___ Mary felt great pain in her stomach.答案用when /before 姥姥的剪纸是谁写的那为什么写 补充习题里的填空的本意和文中的意思 Only the pain. 《姥姥的剪纸》分段写段意苏教版 really happy的中文 can really be happy还是can be really happy I really am happy~有这样说的吗?如题 she come to r_____ how great her perents wershe come to r_____ how great her perents were. They ensured the old lady that her son ___ back in a few days,but she was still very worried.(come)请选择适当形式填空 六上《姥姥的剪纸》主要内容 i __(read) a history book when someone __(knock) at the door I _____(read)a history book when someone __(konck)at the door.the driver__(drive)home when it ___(rain)last night.Doctor Liu was on duty last night.He ___still _(work)in the hospital at 10pm.thank you for___(help)me carry the basket.look!One of them_ 姥姥的剪纸 我上学了,小学、中学、大学——越走越远了.但我还是不断收到姥姥寄来的剪纸,其中有一幅是这样的:一头老牛定定地站着,出神地望着一只欢蹦着远去的小兔子,联结它们的是一 为什么要以《姥姥的剪纸》为题 We need to buy a bigger house.这么说对吗 We need to buy a bigger house.意思是:我们需要买更大些的房子.这么说对吗?如果不对,应怎么说?不是bigger是larger 一道高一英语语法题--whats your plan for the holiday?--i'd like to the holidays with my family climbing.a.to spend,going b.to spend,to go c.spending,going d.spending,to go能告诉我为什么更好 The united states is very larger but Canada is larger.为什么后面的large要用比较级,而不是最高级 the house is of stone 为什么用is房子是石头建造的,为什么这里用 is 不用 建造 easter人们通常干什么?要五件事以内.(英语回答要中文翻译的) Mandela was the black lawter to whom I went for advice .问下这里的TO 可不可以拉到最后面啊 This was a time when one had got to have a pssbook to live in Johannesburg .分析下句子的结构和组成 一道高中三角函数的题化简sin2x + 根号3 cos2x 答案是2sin(2x+π/3) 是如何化简来的? It's no use _______ to get a bargain these days.A.to expect B.expecting C.wanting D.you expect请问选哪个,其他几个为啥不对, i need stree ineed house是哪首歌的开头自己听的,不在的单词有没有打错!急~~~谢谢! 谈谈你对"书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟"的 理解谢谢了,快帮我 一下吧拜托了~~~~~~~~~~! 书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟怎么理解 怎么来的 能答多少答多少 书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟 说明了什么事实 书山有路勤为径,学海无崖苦作舟的横批 英语翻译要全部的翻译.. would you tell me how to learn english