
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/04/29 05:49:00

在沃尔特来到好莱坞的这一年,他完成了自己的第一部动画作品———由真人和动画人物合演的无声动画片《爱丽丝在卡通国》.在好莱坞的最初几年中,迪斯尼和他的公司渐渐站稳了脚跟,但在1927 年沃尔特遭受了他事业上第一个沉重的打击.
20 世纪20 年代中后期,电影告别了默片时代,有声电影的出现引发了整个电影业的革命.沃尔特敏锐地察觉到了变革的来临,开始尝试制作有声动画片.

During the year Walt in Hollywood,he finished his first cartoon Alice in Wonderland which featured true man and cartoon charaters .In the first years in Hollywood,Disney and his company had settled down ,but in 1927 Walt was first hard hit in his carrer.Before Disney,as a performance which was shown before the movie 放映,cartoon movies tended to put emphasis on visual effect and put less emphasis on the arrangement of the story line.
In the late 1920s,the movie said goodbye to the time of black-and-white film.The appearance of the sound film cause the revolution of the whole film industry.Walt observantly noticed the coming of change,and began to try to make sound film.

In in the year of Walt Disney in Hollywood, Walt Disney had finished his first movie creation. The movie was a combination of real people and cartoon characters. This movie was 'Alice in Wonderland". ...


In in the year of Walt Disney in Hollywood, Walt Disney had finished his first movie creation. The movie was a combination of real people and cartoon characters. This movie was 'Alice in Wonderland". In the first few years of Hollywood, Disney and the company had settled down. But in 1927, something upon Walt's business had attacked. Before Disney, it seemed to be a normal movie. from the 20th century, the movie had been away by silent moments. It had been to a more wonderful movie. Nowadays, the movie has details which people grasps, and where it seems suitable for everyone's needs and interests.



这种估计很难翻译好的 文学性太强了

Jiangxi ShangRaoShi business bureau at walter coming to Hollywood this year, he completed his first animation works --, by real people and animation character costarred with silent cartoon "Alice in c...


Jiangxi ShangRaoShi business bureau at walter coming to Hollywood this year, he completed his first animation works --, by real people and animation character costarred with silent cartoon "Alice in cartoon kingdom". The first few years in Hollywood, Disney and his company gradually, but a foothold in 1927 walter suffered his career on the first heavy blow.
In Disney, as an ordinary film screening before before the cushion field programs, animated often only valued visual effect and don't pay much attention to the plot arrangement.
In the 1920s, the film said goodbye to the mid silent era, sound film of trigger the entire film revolution. Walter keenly perceived change comes, began trying to create audio cartoons.
Disney cartoons after a long-term development, formed distinct characteristics. It mainly in dramas, plots, lively and interesting, character and bright, music beautiful moving, fascinating, special attention to detail descriptions, did lowbrows, suit most audience aesthetic taste.


英语翻译在沃尔特来到好莱坞的这一年,他完成了自己的第一部动画作品———由真人和动画人物合演的无声动画片《爱丽丝在卡通国》.在好莱坞的最初几年中,迪斯尼和他的公司渐渐站稳了 国产大片走向好莱坞标准的英语翻译 英语翻译新的一年就要来到,在这里我先祝大家百事可乐,节节高升,开心过好每一天! 最初,他并不顺利,这是拥有亚洲面孔的艺员在好莱坞经常遇到的“玻璃屋顶”。然而,《英雄》为神童冈正顺提供了机会。 英语翻译女孩儿突然用手捧住尼克的脸,吻了他的嘴唇.‘开车小心点儿,好莱坞先生.再见!’女孩儿带着甜甜的微笑说,然后转过身迅速离去了.”尼克.洛茨感到莫名其妙.仅仅十分钟前,女孩来到 抱紧我、直到世界尽头、这是怎么了、握紧我的手、今夜好莱坞、完美一击、舞池上之、泪在深处的英语翻译谢 自从他来到这个城市,Jack一直在这家工厂工作 英语翻译 英语翻译“新年来到之前,我想先为自己新的一年做一个计划” 英语翻译要求:1他是谁?2扮演过什么角色?3去好莱坞发展?4期待他有更好的发展 “在好莱坞看电影”英文翻译 英语翻译1.韩寒在读书时,常常违反班规,班主任就常罚他抄班规20遍,他就用三支笔一起握着写.他说,他的一手好字就是这么练出来的.2.一个记者曾问韩寒,如果好莱坞邀请他拍电影,他会不会答 “又是一年春来到”的作文 英语翻译“好莱坞”大标志这儿一个字的高度就达13.7米,是洛杉矶有名的建筑物,经常可以在电影电视上看到它的身影.原来这是为发展好莱坞地区而修建的.1960年,当 Hollywood Land变为Hollywood时, 这是他生命的最后一年,他收集了大量的关于生命奇迹的邮票 英语翻译 准确 有悬赏这是他生命的最后一年,他收集了大量的关于生命奇迹的邮票他拒绝吃任何东西,除非他见到他在监狱里的哥 英语翻译1.20年后,我已经是个成功得女人了.2.因为我是个著名演员,将走进好莱坞,在我孩年轻的时候结束我得演绎生涯完后肯定给分 英语翻译Peter在香港旅游,住在迪士尼好莱坞酒店.他将游览香港迪士尼乐园和海洋公园,两个星期后乘飞机返回美国.他想寄一张酒店的明信片给他在深圳的朋友Betty.请你以Peter的名义用英语写 英语翻译10罗纳德·里根(ronald reagan) 里根是作为美国第四十任总统而为世人所熟知的,但他最初只是一个电台播音员和一位好莱坞电影演员.在他首次入主白宫后不久,便遭到疯狂的朱迪·福 英语翻译1.他在去非洲时患了癌症.(feel sick with)2.他们努力工作以供养一大家子人.(provide for)3.好莱坞发现了她并将她打造成了明星.(turn into)4.他的讲话充满了笑料.(full of)5.天气终于转晴了.(after